HomeSonar ImagesBrowse All Sonar Images Browse All Sonar Images Schooner, 15, 11-08-2014. 900kHz, 20141108174414, Ping 145382, 145995, 146839, cropped for BlogScuttled Buoy, AWOIS 11914Side scan image of wreckSide scan sonar image of the Trajan shipwreckSide scan sonar image of the Trajan shipwreckSide scan sonar record of the VolundSide scan sonar record of the VolundSide scan sonar record of the VolundSmall WreckSonar BargeSonar BargeSound Underwater Survey in the news, The wreck is the British freighter Lutzen – CSS VolundSS VolundSuffolkTarget 1, 11-08-2014. 900kHz, 20141108180326, Ping 163434aTarget 1, 11-08-2014. 900kHz, 20141108180326, Ping 176505aTarget 2, 10-25-2014. 900kHz, 20141025164310, Ping 59552aTexas TowerThree’s a CharmThumperThumperTrajanTrajan Page 4 of 5«12345»