A weekend of hunting and diving, Day 4

Sunday: Pat and I left North Cove to scan a few wrecks to the west of the Connecticut River. All the wrecks fell between the entrance to the Connecticut River and Cornfield Point, and all currently uncharted 🙂 Just the way we like them. See the pictures for the descriptions.

Pat and I thought the schooner looked the most promising to dive so we set the hook just as the tide was slacking. She’s a 100′ long coal schooner, lays low to the bottom, still carries her cargo, and her anchor is the most prominent feature. It was apparent that we were most likely the first to explore her remains. Great fun!

After our dive we motored slowly East towards The Race to conclude our weekend with a late dive on the Volund. We splashed around 5:45 and were in the water for a little over an hour. When we surfaced, fog had rolled in, and our visibility had dropped to about ¼ mile. It was a slow ride in but we made it safely to the dock around 8:30, off loaded gear, cleaned up the boat, and then went out for some well deserved pizza and beer. An outstanding weekend with great scanning, diving, and friends.


Pat at the helm steering true.

A small 50′ long work barge just outside the Saybrook Outer Bar Channel.

The 100′ long coal schooner.

The 100′ long coal schooner.

Dead eye on the 100′ long coal schooner.

The Potato Wreck.

An almost completely buried shipwreck

It was a little thick coming through The Race.

The 100′ Schooners anchor