
East Hartford’s Shipwrecked Schooner.

John Stanford, Al Langer, Mark Samek, and I organized a trip to East Hartford on November 8th, 2014 to image a schooner that had recently come to our attention in the news, Police officer hoping to solve mystery of sunken schooner. After consulting the NOAA chart and Google Earth for the area the schooner was supposed to… more

Squalus Marine Scuba Outreach Seminar

On Saturday January 17th my good friend Pat Casey and I attended Dennis Habza’s first annual Scuba Outreach Seminar in Bridgeport Connecticut.  We had a great time!  As I later told Dennis in an email “I liked the small intimate venue, easy access to adult beverages, and relatively easy access to nourishment. The presenters were enjoyable,… more

Welcome to the newly revised Sound Underwater Survey web site.

We just made some major changes to the site and we’re hoping to update it much more often. I hope you can spend some time looking around and checking out what we’re up to with regard to NE Shipwrecks. Best regards, Mark Munro