Yes, I'd like to support the WWII Destroyer Escort sailor interviews.
This web page has been created to accept monetary contributions in support of travel expenses incurred while performing video interviews of World War Two Destroyer Escort sailors. Specifically those sailors who were onboard the USS Joyce, USS Peterson, and USS Gandy during the April 16th, 1944 conflict with the U-550.
Click the donate button below to use your credit card.
You’ll be brought to a secure Paypal donation page (A Paypal account is not necessary).
Enter your donation amount, click “update total”, then click the “Continue” button in the lower left.
Please enter your email address in the form if you’d like updates on the project.
This transaction will appear on your bill as “PayPal *PPO2 COM”.
If you would like to save the project a 3% service charge
Send a check to:
Mark Munro
2329 Glasgo Road
Griswold, CT 06351